Products & Industries

Architecture and Design

Explore the latest in Architecture and Design, handpicked from our trusted partner vendors. Get to know these top-tier products and services and empower yourself to connect Sidekick with referralsfrom your network who are interested in these exceptional offerings. Remember, every successful referral = rewards for you!Happy referring!

Explore Architectural and Design Products

Architectural And Interior Design:

As the built environment plays a pivotal role in the way people experience space, engaging architectural and interior design services with the user in mind becomes essential. We believe that functional design supports communities and cultures.

Real Estate Development Consultancy

Development is about finding solutions that fit our customers and the community. Our vendor’s focus is on the underlying characteristics that make a site viable for a customer – demographics, accessibility, visibility, and infrastructure.

Masterplanning and Urban Design

Your needs are front and center as we cater our time-tested approach in order that we help you succeed in all aspects of your master plan, including facility and capacity analysis, growth projections, space programming and more.

Signage & Wayfinding

The wayfinding design process and approach are set to work with architecture, landscape, digital information, landmarks & other visual cues such as lighting, interaction with staff and other people all as a cohesive, well-planned system.