Iron and Steel
Our partner's product range covers reinforced steel in diameters ranging from a minimum of 10 mm up to 40 mm. Reinforced steel is produced in 12-meter lengths, unless otherwise specified by the customer, and complies with all locally and globally recognized dimensional tolerance ratios.
Wire Rods:
Coils are produced using the highest technological techniques, producing plain and deformed coils from 6 mm to 12 mm in diameter. The coils ensure high quality and dimensional accuracy.
Steel Billets:
Our partner's factories have a total capacity of up to 3.8 million tons annually. The sizes range from 130×130 mm to 150×150 mm with lengths of 10 or 12 meters, unless specified otherwise by the customer.
Profiles and Angles:
Our partner's channel bar and angle factory utilize hot metal (billets) shipped from their own furnace plants to provide energy-saving and environmentally friendly solutions. The factories produce the following products: Squares from 12 mm to 40 mm - Flats from 30x5 mm to 150x10 mm - Equal angles from 30x3 mm to 100x12 mm - Tubes from 30x15 mm to 120x55 mm - IPE/IPN from 80 to 120 mm - Coils from 12 mm to 50 mm - Reinforced steel from 12 mm to 32 mm
Metal Construction Works:
Manufacturing and installation of steel structures for factories, warehouses, and production lines with excellent quality, producing all types of solid structures, sheet works, and tanks.
Iron Derivatives:
Our partner's factories provide a variety of iron derivatives that are crucial in heavy industries such as: Liquid gases of oxygen, nitrogen, and argon - Cold and Hot Direct Reduced Iron to produce high-quality steel - Slag, used in the production of solid metals and can be recycled in other industries such as cement, road base, and concrete - Quick Lime (calcium oxide) - Zinc Oxide - Mill Scale